You are invited to sit at the table with queens. This is a high level inner circle mastermind for the female entrepreneur who is done with her girl boss era and is here to change lives and cultivate overflowing abundance with her soul led business. She is only available for this to be in the energy of ease and service. 

I am ready to lead!

Designed for the heart led, multi-passionate and multi-faceted entrepreneur who is ready to package up her gifts and create multiple streams of income in a feminine way.

a service-based or digital entrepreneur, a coach, healer, or mentor. a creative entrepreneur & a community builder & leader.

Curated for the woman who is

The struggle to balance the demands of life, love and business without hustling your face off or abandoning your values and health is a challenge many ambitious women share. How do we have it all? 

For the woman who is ready to stop hustling, chasing and exchanging their time for dollars. For the woman ready to build revenue that is tied to her being PAID for their gifts, energy and service. It’s time to unlock your inner CREATRIX. 

The Creatrix is…

✨ A feminine creator who is sharing her gifts through the art of entrepreneurship. 
✨ A leader who knows that her soul based business is a deeply spiritual path.
✨ A woman with a deep desire to unlock a fuller expression of her
     purpose, gifts and next level wealth. 

This Mastermind is designed specifically for the queen who wears many crowns and craves EASE. 
Curated for:
👑 Coaches & Educators
👑 Beauty Professionals
👑 Wellness/Life Coaches 
👑 Creative Entrepreneurs
👑 Digital Entrepreneurs

Maybe you are also …
A Leader. A Mother. A Lover. A Sister. A Healer. A Visionary.

Who is “The Creatrix”? 

I am ready to lead!

I am honored to offer this sacred coaching space for the visionary woman who has been on a spiritual journey and healing her relationship with hustle and wants to build a business that packages all of her gifts, changes lives and creates an ecosystem of impact and income but with EASE.  

I have bridged so many versions of myself again and again. I know what it is like to go on a healing journey and ask the questions, “How do I integrate all that I am embodying into my work? How do I build a business that FEELS good and does good financially and by my clients & team.” 

I also know what it is like to only know struggle, hustle and grind and to have to heal every part of yourself in order to feel safe in your feminine. This container allows us to really deepen and heal our relationship with how to show up in business in a harmonious way and how to structure a business that is truly a queendom instead of a JOB that requires constant grind. 

a love letter from me

I am ready to lead!

How do you bridge the gap between who you were and who you are becoming? How do you bring all your gifts and passions together? How can business feel like you are the muse, the artist and the masterpiece? How can you be an ever evolving woman and entrepreneur?

let me introduce...

A HIGH LEVEL business and leadership playground for the WHOLE WOMAN. 
A holistic approach to impact and income, to feminine health & wealth in business, healing and leadership. 

A 18 month inner circle coaching experience built for lasting transformation. Here we know the transformative power of LONG TERM MENTORSHIP. Mentorship that will shift the paradigms of how we lead as business as women, mothers, lovers and queens.  

join the collective





i am ready for support

The Creatrix Methodology 

We know that as women we are cyclical by nature and when we work with our feminine FLOW this is the SHOW ME HOW EASY IT IS PATH. 

YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD HOLD & SERVE THE FULLNESS OF YOUR LIFE. Not you constantly holding it. Your business structure needs to be able to hold the cyclical nature of the seasons of your life, business & femininity.


In the back of your mind you wonder…

You have hustled and grown a successful business but desire MORE. 
You want to make more income, change more lives and step into more leadership. 

You want more in business but you are DONE with your girl boss era and you crave EASE. Dammit you want time to make love, travel the world with your loved ones, be in sisterhood & learn how to make sourdough bread just because. You are done sacrificing what matters most…but you still have these big goals and ambitions. You may even feel torn sometimes. 

You worry that you will never be able to grow a business with the type of income you dream of, without constantly hustling & grinding.

You don’t know how to deeply rest, relax and savor the pleasures of love, life and wealth. 

You are multi-passionate and feel like figuring out how to merge all of your passions, gifts and skills into your service based or digital business. It overwhelms you, feels hard.

You fear that the stress of entrepreneurship will make it hard to have harmony in your love life and with raising a family. You wish you had more TIME to enjoy friends, family, hobbies & travel. 

You feel strapped by your business and want more time freedom and crave having multiple creative streams of income that free your time up. 


Planting the seeds that will bear fruit in your life and business. This is where we tend the garden of your business and create systems, structures and strategy that will allow us to scale. Here we really put in the energetic, manifestation and actionable foundation work.

A harvest season in business when the fruits of your labor are paying off and you are being seen, heard and paid for your gifts and work in the world. This is where you shine and scale and this is about being able to hold this capacity of service with ease.

Winter is a season of internal reflection, listening to our intuition, resting and fortification. This is when there is more going on internally than you can see externally. This could be shadow work or a time for deep restoration and to caccoon so we can emerge in spring energized and clear. 

Fall is a beautiful time to shed, release and let go of anything that no longer serves us personally and professionally. To make our load lighter through healing work and to streamline and simplify our business, messaging and mission. What's not in alignment gets to go or be transformed. 


Step into your authority and thought leadership by getting clear on what you are here to do and your unique spiritual assignment and message you are here to bring the world. Learn how to understand your energetic design to build a business foundation that can serve you throughout your entire life. 


What if I told you that I can guide you through the seasons of your healing, embodiment and business evolution to create a true queendom. Here we merge feminine embodiment, with heart led leadership, spirituality and feminine business strategy. 


You are growing and evolving so your business is too. Learn how to create unique services, experiences and digital offers within your business that generate more income and impact the lives of others. 



Bundle up your gifts, skills and experience into programs, courses, retreats or other offers that light you up. Design a product suite that creates time freedom and spaciousness.  Some of these can be services that don't require trading your time for dollars. 



Learning how to utilize and cultivate your CREATRIX super powers through ritual, embodiment, ceremony and spiritual practices. This is like a direct line to the divine to open up your spiritual gifts and channel of creativity.  


There is a method to bring all of your gifts into a caldron and cultivate your unique magic and medicine in your business. I have helped thousands of clients do this work in many of my different programs, masterminds and retreats. 

 As women we embody so many different roles. We are dynamic. 
So our mentorship & sisterhood should be too. We need to be in spaces & communities where we have room to evolve and grow. HERE it all comes together. 

i am ready to lead


Learn how to lead your business and mission with values of ease, vitality, intuition, community, magnetism, flow, pleasure and purpose. By honoring our cyclical and feminine nature we lead with a different set of values- in turn we strategize and systemize our business structure differently to lead with feminine nature. 



Creating balance is about having inner union. The dance of our inner masculine and feminine in our body, business and bank account. Learn how to harness your healthy masculine energetics and build business systems, structures and strategy that support you scaling your business leading in your feminine energy. 



Learn how to cycle, sync your energetics with your business and connect with your feminine flow and the seasons of your feminine energy. You will understand the science behind your feminine energetics and how to truly cultivate EASE within your body and business. 



Be deeply connected to a powerful network of high level spiritual and creative women in all walks of life. Harness the power of a conscious community and sacred sisterhood. This is where we come together in ceremony, in breath and in devotion to our heart led businesses. 


Discipline < Devotion  

THE CREATRIX CODE - is a list of values of feminine led business. 
Finally a business & life container built with values and strategy that works for the cyclical nature of the feminine body. 

This inner circle is created for women entrepreneurs who are ready to lead with a different set of values than traditional business has taught us. For those ready to drop the grind that has us feeling disconnected, burned out and always chasing. 

Pressure < Pleasure 

Obligation < Desire 

Competition < Community

Comparison < Collaboration  

Overthinking < Intuition 

Chase < Attract 

Force < Flow 

Do good < Feel good 

Grind < Service 

Control < Sovereignty 

Disconnection < Embodiment 

I am ready to lead!

It is time for a New era of business.  

Where the girl boss dies…the QUEEN is re-born.  

The Creatrix Collective is a 18 month mentorship journey for the fem entrepreneur who is ready to cultivate all of her gifts and skills and be HIGHLY compensated to change lives through WHO SHE IS. 

Her multifaceted nature cannot be niched down anymore! 

❌  She tried fitting into the boxes.  
❌  She tried doing all the courses and strategy. 
❌  She tried focusing on “going viral”. 
❌  She tried sacrificing blood, sweat and tears. 
❌  She tried hustling and girl bossing. 
❌  She tried to be it all and have it all. 

It led her to chase money, rush her process, feel less than and feel burned out. 

This type of mentorship is for the woman who is ready for a different approach to business. 

A woman ready to break up with patterns of over working, giving and pleasing. 
A woman ready to be liberated from the wounded HUSTLE. 
A woman ready to be freed from patterns of STRUGGLE & SCARCITY.  

I am ready to lead!

dynamic support

long term mentorship for visionary females 

Monthly Breathwork

Monthly healing through Glow Breathwork  & gathering in a digital women's circle for ceremony & ritual. The power of this medicine is worth the entire container. 

Monthly Coaching

Monthly Mastermind calls with expert coaches who all have different gifts. This is where you can bring whatever is coming up professionally or personally and get support and eyes on it. Everyone who is a co coach is someone I personally hire to support me. 

Monthly Curriculum

This is where monthly I can bring you NEW curriculum and workshops. I will also alternate between new workshops and hosting channled coaching calls where I tap in and channel information for you. I will also alternate between brining EXPERT thought leaders and my personal shamans, strategiest and coaches inside for extra support. 

I am ready for ease!

3 creatrix
calls monthly

Monthly Creatrix Circle: 
Monthly 90 Min Glow Breathwork, Ceremonies, Rituals

Monthly Creatrix Coaching Call: 
Monthly 90 min mastermind call w/ a Creatrix Co-Coach 

Monthly Creatrix Channeled Calls:
Monthly 90 min call rotating between NEW curriculum w/ Elizabeth, Channeled Coaching Sessions w/Elizabeth & High Level Guest Experts

Private whats app group where you can connect with likeminded women & be in sisterhood


Shamanic Business Principles 
Healing the Feminine/ Masculine & Finding Balance
Build a Business Without Patterns of Burnout  
Scaling Your Queendom with Ease
Cyclical Capacity Planning 

CREATRIX curriculum

join the collective






topics that we will be diving into

Heal Your Nervous System
Learn How to Detox & Cleanse Your Body
Learn How to Energetically Cycle Sync Your Biz
Learn How to Use Feminine Rituals For Healing
Learn How to Use Ceremonial Practices For Healing

Rewire Your Relationship With Receiving
Diversify Your Income w/Your Gifts & Get Paid to Be YOU
Creating Your Multi Faceted Offer Suite
Soul Centered Streams of Income
Heal Generation Financial Trauma & Poverty Patterns

Values, Principles & Boundaries of a Feminine Led Company 
Reparenting Our Mother/Father Wounds
Divine Union in Business & Relationships 
Build a Community Around Your Mission 
Collaborating with Brands, Influencers & Corporate 

The Art of Ritual & Opening Up Your Creative Channels 
How to Channel Curriculum & Content
Cultivating Profitable Courses, Masterminds & Programs
Hosting Life Changing& Profitable Retreats & Live Events
Get Into Public Speaking & Book Writing 

Trauma Informed Leadership & Coaching Skills 
Define Your Life Changing Mission & Message 
Build a Personal Brand As A Thought Leader/Authority
Cultivating a Conscious Culture In Your Company 
How to Build A Loyal Leadership Team

Creatrix co-coaches

meet the amazing mentors You will also receive mentorship from 

Regina Lawrence

Sound Healer & Breath Work Facilitator. 
Owner of A Marketing Agency & Social Media Genius. 

Kiera Doyle 

Human Design & Energetics Expert. 
TedX Speaker & Founder of Meeting Your Magic.

Dr. Stephanie Burgos 

Doctor & Hormone Specialist. Medicine Woman & Quantum Healer Through Shamanic Energy Work & Ancient Modalities & Modern Medicine. 

I am ready to lead!

Yara de la Torre 

Astrologist and Energetic Coach. 

Danny J 

Life Coach & Ted X Speaker & Host of A Major Podcast. Digital Business Expert & the Person You Call When You Need To Increase Sales.  

Derek Solberg 

Breathwork Expert & Incredible Divine Masculine Space Holder. Also he is my hot husband & a videographer by trade :)

Dr. Stephanie Burgos is a Shamanic Healer, ER Physician and Breathwork Facilitator dedicated to strengthening the bridges between western, energy and ancient medicine. An advocate and interpreter for the human body system, Dr. Stephanie's mission is to empower you to heal, raise your vibration and align with the highest frequency for your life. Fun fact, Stephanie is one of Elizabeth's healers that she hires & deeply trust.

Yara de la Torre is a Energetics & Astrology coach and has studied under Elizabeth for years as a private client & mastermind client. She empowers humans to align with their purpose & expand their careers in a way that feels natural and unique to them. Using the cosmos to work as a compass to help you find your own unique path to the legacy you are meant to live up to in this lifetime. 

Derek Solberg is a breath work expert and lead Glow Breathwork Facilitator and trainer.  Derek is my trade a graphic designer and videographer and after a lifetime of struggling with severe depression, breathwork saved his life and he now spreads his message and medicine world wide & through this community. 







Kiera Doyle is a 4/6 Manifesting Generator & your Human Design mentor and guide in this container. She personally has a background of being a hairstylists, then a corporate leader and running the marketing/education division of a huge brand and a TED speaker. She is now a mama, wifey and founder of Meeting Your Magic community, podcast & courses. She is an energetics & Human Design expert & will change your life! 

Regina is a former trial attorney and Law School professor turned soulful business consultant, social media agency owner, host of The All Things With Regina Podcast and Glow Breathwork and sound facilitator.  Regina brings her gifts into this container to help you build a your empire in a soulful and strategic way. Her coaching feels like you are working with a sacred medicine woman and a business expert bestie at the same time! 

Danny J is a world renowned keynote speaker, a 2x TED speaker, podcast host of The Best Life Podcast, digital marketing consultant and a Glow Breathwork facilitator and a passionate advocate for mental health and sacred medicine work. Danny brings all of her special gifts to this mastermind to support you! Fun fact, Danny was Elizabeth's first business coach. 


My program created entrepreneurs wanting to create courses & coach. We walk you through how to go from idea to launch. Done for you systems, templates & trainings on funnels, email marketing, curriculum building, launching, selling, selling on instagram & coaching skills.

creatrix ecosystem course vault

unlock the magic


My signature business energetics program. Truly heal your body, business and bank account using my trainings, systems, spreadsheets & formulas for leading a service based business in a healed and way that supports ease and spaciousness. 





full access pass to all of my programs

Get access to my Detox E-Book & 1 hour training & audio prompts that guide you through how to bio-hack and heal your nervous system with parasite cleansing, gut healing, dry brushing and feminine beauty rituals that heal you on a cellular level. 

I created a planner that is a NEXT level game changer & it comes with a course that walks you through how to plan your life with your  feminine nature. This is how we can cycle sync your business to your energetics. This course is also my entire playbook to all my manifestation tools that have made me millions, help me find the love of my life & heal my body.  

Get access my money course that walks you through healing money shadow and patterns of poverty. Guided trainings on how to use our signature spreadsheets and calculators that walk you through defining your dream life energetically and with actual numbers & a plan!

We know to lead in our feminine essence we need to create a business structure that support ease and flow through the seasons of life. Having automated systems, structures and strategy is KEY to allow you to have the space you crave! I give you access to my entire vault of resources I have spent tens of thousands of dollars creating.

-Laura Symons

It changes the game to be working along side a mentor who does the work herself. Elizabeth is one of my greatest expanders! Personal and business growth are hand in hand. Honestly,  I have been inside Elizabeth's work for 3+ years and the value inside of her programs, courses, retreats and masterminds is honestly so insane. Her work has transformed me in all ways. This will help you buy back your time & freedom!  

Elizabeth is life changing to work with! Priceless. 

-yara De la torre

Working with Elizabeth gave me the courage to look past a superficial business and tap into a soul led business and I was able to align with my deepest soul calling. I am now running a astrology coaching business and holistic salon that is totally aligned and it is unlike anything else. I have healed so much trauma and found true success and power.  It was a soul journey back home to myself.

A total reawakening to my soul purpose. 

I couldn't ask for a better coach, friend & sister. 

This work with Elizabeth has moved mountains in my life and business. It has change my relationship with my team, my husband, my kids and myself. She has help me restructure my entire business  from the inside out. Her coaching is so versatile from healing and then into feminine business strategy and creativity. I know have an entire community of soul sisters. 

-Madi staszkiewicz 

Extended payment option;
12 monthly payments for
18 months of coaching & access. 

MONTHLY payment plan



extended monthly payments





PAY IN FULL [limited spots!]

Mastermind coaching & support for 18 months within The Creatrix Collective. [10,000 value]

Full access pass to Elizabeth's entire course product suite & client resources. [20,000 value] 

Unlock alumni offers at the end of your 18 months & lock in Founder Pricing for life!


Pay in full bonus; 
 90 min 1:1 intensive call
with Elizabeth Faye in 2025.
value [1,500]


Most accessible offer; 
18 monthly payments for
18 months of coaching & access.



book a complimentary discovery call 

Mastermind coaching & support for 18 months within The Creatrix Collective. [10,000 value]

Full access pass to Elizabeth's entire course product suite & client resources. [20,000 value] 

Unlock alumni offers at the end of your 18 months & lock in Founder Pricing for life!

Mastermind coaching & support for 18 months within The Creatrix Collective. [10,000 value]

Full access pass to Elizabeth's entire course product suite & client resources. [20,000 value] 

Unlock alumni offers at the end of your 18 months & lock in Founder Pricing for life!


I am a thought leader for heart led business owners, artists and visionaries. I have walked through many different seasons of my business and life and learned that we are always in an evolution and becoming. My business has become a great teacher for me, my clients a sacred community and my work a true expression of my purpose. 

I am a trauma informed life and business coach, expert breathwork facilitator and I bring many modalities to my work. Ancient practices like meditation and ceremony work. I bring my back ground of trauma informed somatic healing, NLP, hypnosis and energetic worked. The method behind the body of my work is what I call the Sacred Success Method. It's where I bring science, soul, spirituality, somatic, subconscious work and strategy together for a blended approach that covers the WHOLENESS of your mind, body and soul. My approach with women's work combines the ancient knowledge and energetics of our womb and working with the energetics of polarity to find true harmony. 

I have worked with tens of thousands, host world wide retreats, am a global TEDX and corporate wellness speaker, run multiple beauty and wellness brands that reach tens of thousands world wide. I have been mentoring and community building for over a decade and honored to share this space with you. 


Lovely to meet you...

when does the creatrix collective start?

Because you are signing up for the Founder's Round of this mastermind, you are getting not just special pricing that I will never offer again but also a few complimentary extra months. We will begin in November 2024 but do a kick off call in October. That means you get access to my programs & live breathwork until then - with no extra cost to you!

how many calls are there per month?

3 calls; starting in October we will do a kick off call & then begin our 18 month journey officially in November 2024. 

how long is the creatrix collective?

This is a 18 month coaching container, I know the power of long term mentorship and honestly most my clients are with my for many years. This allows us to get past the foundations and healing work and into the embodiment and building of your empire work as well.

If you feel called at the end of our journey, there will alumni options at the end of your 18 months & because you are a part of the Founders round it will be a extra special offer. 

How do I know this is right for me?

If you are sure I would recommend booking a discovery call; they are totally FREE! Also you can personally dm me anytime and we can go back and forth with audio messages. I am here to support you in making an aligned decision. Also at the end of the day, trust your heart and what your intuition is telling you, many of my best investments didn't make sense but I knew it was for me & it changed my whole life!

Does it include access to your other programs?

Yes!! This is like the ALL access pass to my work. You get access to all of my coaching programs and courses. To be clear this does not include 1:1 calls with me or the co-coaches, a retreat or my certification. All my work outside of that you get access to & it is listed above on the sales page for you to see! 

what is the purchasing policy? 

There are no refunds, this is a commitment so please invest accordingly. We take our work seriously and our commitments and we are confident if you join and apply yourself you will see absolutley transfromative results personally and professionally. I have successfully worked with thousands and my clients have raving reviews and stay long term! 

do you offer in person retreats?

I do! I have a signature healing experience I offer every January for women in Mexico. You can find more on my website under the tab "Love Retreat"...would love to have you there sister. It would pair beautifully with this mastermind. 

How long will this take? 

This is an 18 month journey. Outside of the 3 calls a month, any extra self paced learning is up to you. I am confident if you only watched the 3 calls a month you would get 4x the value of what you paid. The extra learning is optional and I honestly suggest cherry picking what you need and not getting into content overload. This is after all a feminine container, easy and flow are the name of the game! We also have SO many done for you resources that you can download and use; that alone is over 18,000 dollars in value. I promise you will be taken care of!